- 1001words (2)
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- kitchenware (1)
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- vocabulary builder (1)
- word of the day (2)
baking tray - assadeira
blender - liquidificador
bowl - tigela
bread knife - faca de pão
butter knife - faca de manteiga
can opener - abridor de latas
colander - escorredor de macarrão
corkscrew - saca rolhas
cup - xícara
cutting board - tábua de cortar
dessert spoon - colher de sobremesa
food processor - processador de alimentos
fork - garfo
fridge - refrigerador
funnel - funil
garlic press - espremedor de alhos
glass - copo
grater - ralador
handhel electric mixer - batedeira
ice tray - forma de gelo
kettle - chaleira eletrica
kitchen scissors - tesoura de cozinha
knife - faca
ladle - concha
lemon squeezer - espremedor de limão
lid - tampa
measuring jug - jarra graduada
oven mitt - luva para forno
pepper mill - moedor de pimenta
pepper shaker - pimenteiro
pizza cutter - cortador de pizza
plate - prato
potato masher - amassador de batatas
potato peeler - descascador de batatas
rolling pin - rolo de massa
salt shaker - saleiro
scale - balança
scouring pad - esponja
sieve - coador
silverware - talheres
skimmer - espumadeira
soup spoon - colher de soupa
spatula - espátula
spoon - colher
table knife - faca de mesa
tea strainer - coador de chá
teakettle - chaleira
teaspoon - colher de chá
tin opener - abridor de latas
toaster - torradeira
whisk - batedor de ovos/claras
vocabulary builder - kitchenware - households - vocabulary builder
occlude - v.To cause to become closed; to prevent the passage of. To obstruct, cover, or otherwise block an opening.
Etymology: Latin occludere, occludo
Examples: 1- "A common factor in all illusory contour figures is the perception of a surface occluding part of a background."
2- "Researchers have found that occluding blood to the muscles during low-intensity physical activity can produce an anabolic response equal to, or perhaps greater than, moderate-intensity exercise. Occlusion training has also benefited the young and the elderly, regardless of training status." - occlusion Training
Synonyms - obstruct, obturate, impede, jam, block, close up
Derivation - blockage, closure, occlusion
Occlude (portuguese) - v. ocluir, obstruir, fechar, bloquear, entupir, imepedir.
Exemplos: 1- "A dor muscular é produzida durante as contrações nas quais a tensão gerada é suficientemente intensa a ponto de ocluir o fluxo sangüíneo para os músculos ativos (isquemia)."
2- "Pacientes com fraturas mandibulares apresentam um alto risco de evoluir com obs-
trução das vias aéreas,pois sem o suporte ósseo a língua tende a se deslocar ocluindo a
passagem do ar. Tendo sido liberadas as vias aéreas, a próxima prioridade passa a ser o
controle da hemorragia."
Infinitivo - to occlude
Presente do indicativo - occlude
Presente do Indicativo (3ª pessoa do sing.) - occludes
Pretérito Perfeito Simples - occluded
Gerúndio - occluding
Particípio - occluded
Futuro do presente simples - will occlude
Oclusão - Oclusão é o ramo da odontologia que trata as relações de mordida entre as arcada dentária superior com a inferior e suas implicações em estruturas anexas (dentes, gengiva, ossos, músculos, ligamentos, articulação temporomandibular).
Morning! It's 06:23 AM. Finally weekend! Still working on my template and 'Word of the day post' also I was thinking about a 'Word of the hour'. What do u think? Last night I went to bed pretty early and I feel GOOD!
calumniate - v. To make maliciously or knowingly false statements about.
Examples: 1- "Calumniated night! to one revelling in the full noon-tide of hope and gladness: -- to the one, to whom a guilty conscience incessantly whispers, " — A Love Story
2- "A man calumniated is doubly injured - first by him who utters the calumny, and then by him who believes it." - Herodotus
Synonyms - asperse, defame, denigrate, libel, scandalize, slander, traduce, vilify, villainize
derivation - defamation, calumny, obloquy, traducement, hatchet job
Calumniate (portuguese)- v.caluniar, acusar falsamente; falar mal de
Infinitivo - to calumniate
Presente do indicativo - calumniate
Presente do Indicativo 3ª pessoa do singular - calumniates
Pretérito Perfeito Simples - calumniated
Gerúndio - calumniating
Particípio - calumniated
Futuro do presente simples - will calumniate
First part of 1001 Most Common English Words List (letter A)
a | again | although | appear |
able | against | always | apple |
about | age | am | are |
above | ago | America | area |
across | agreed | among | arms |
act | ahead | amount | army |
action | air | an | around |
actually | all | and | arrived |
add | allow | angle | art |
addition | almost | animal | as |
adjective | alone | another | ask |
afraid | along | answer | at |
Africa | already | any | away |
after | also | anything |
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